golden retriever puppy for sale near me for usa
dogs golden retriever for sale *Many years ago, we lived for a while in a small town in south Louisiana. While there, I wrote a whole series of essays about our experiences that I never posted anywhere. I’m cleaning out some digital storage and am going to start posting some of them, along with other stories that have yet to see the light of day… Gray Cat sipping from the strange little pond in the front garden. John turned the car into a short driveway. Along the side of the house, between the garage door that didn’t open and the kitchen entrance, sat a tiny garden with a rickety porch swing, a plastic pond, and a concrete bench. I unloaded the dogs and led them to the garden while John went in through the kitchen door to find Newt and corral her into a bedroom. As soon as I stepped onto the crunchy stone path, I saw the cat. He splayed across the bench, paws draped over the side. His head lifted a few inches to gaze at us. Direct speckled his smoky gray coat but the fuzzy...